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Weather Wise

Weather Wise Word Search

This worksheet introduces vocabulary related to weather conditions that impact travel and commuting. Words like “raincoat,” “umbrella,” “storm,” and “heatwave” highlight different weather scenarios and their effects on transportation. The puzzle encourages students to consider how various weather elements can influence road conditions, flights, and public transit. By identifying these words, learners improve their awareness of seasonal changes and safety measures in different climates.

This word search builds vocabulary related to weather, helping students describe different conditions accurately. It improves word recognition and reading skills while encouraging critical thinking about how weather affects daily life. Recognizing these terms helps students stay informed about weather forecasts and safety precautions. The activity also strengthens pattern recognition as they search for words in various directions.

Word Bank: Raincoat, Umbrella, Windshield, Fog, Mist, Snowfall, Storm, Frost, Slippery, Drizzle, Sunshine, Heatwave, Windy, Icy, Overcast.