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Style Search

Style Search Word Search

This word search includes words related to fashion and style, all beginning with “S.” Terms like “Shoes,” “Sequins,” and “Sunglasses” highlight various trendy items. The activity helps students explore the world of fashion and personal style. Completing the puzzle will expand their fashion-related vocabulary.

This activity improves students’ ability to recognize and spell words related to clothing and accessories. It encourages curiosity about fashion trends and self-expression. The puzzle also enhances cognitive skills such as pattern recognition and problem-solving. Searching for words in a grid format helps reinforce language learning in a fun and engaging way.

Word List: Shoes, Scarves, Sunglasses, Sweater, Suit, Sequins, Satin, Skirt, Stilettos, Stockings, Studs, Sneakers, Satin, Stripes, Silk