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Knitting Basics

Knitting Basics Word Search

This puzzle introduces key vocabulary related to knitting and yarn crafts. It includes words like needle, stitch, and crochet, which are fundamental to knitting projects. Students will also encounter terms like cast-on, bind-off, and tension, which refer to specific knitting techniques. The word search offers an engaging way to learn about fiber arts.

Completing this word search improves knowledge of knitting-related terminology and enhances spelling skills. It helps students recognize patterns in words while reinforcing word structure in a fun way. Additionally, it promotes fine motor skill development by encouraging interest in hands-on activities like knitting. The puzzle also connects language learning with practical crafting knowledge.

Vocabulary Words – Yarn, Needle, Crochet, Stitch, Row, Loop, Pattern, Tension, Hook, Cast-on, Bind-off, Skein, Gauge, Wool, Purl.