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Dolphin Communication

Dolphin Communication Word Search

This word search explores how dolphins communicate using sounds, gestures, and body language. It includes terms such as “clicking,” “whistling,” “echolocation,” and “synchronized” to highlight their complex communication system. The activity helps students understand the different ways dolphins interact with each other. By completing this search, learners can appreciate the intelligence and social nature of dolphins.

This word search enhances students’ knowledge of marine animal communication methods. It reinforces scientific terminology related to sound and nonverbal signals. The puzzle also strengthens pattern recognition and word recall skills. Additionally, it encourages curiosity about how dolphins use echolocation and vocalization in the wild.

Word List: Clicking, Whistling, Echolocation, Signals, Chirping, Vocalization, Body language, Posture, Call, Squeal, Bubble blow, Touching, Gestures, Synchronized, Language.