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Ocean Homes

Ocean Homes Word Search

This word search introduces students to the various habitats where whales live, from deep ocean trenches to coastal regions. It includes words such as lagoon, estuary, seamount, arctic, and abyss, emphasizing the different environments that support marine life. These terms help students understand the diversity of ocean ecosystems and where different whale species prefer to live. By completing this word search, they gain insight into how geography and climate affect whale populations.

Students will develop geographical and environmental awareness, linking terms to real-world habitats. Their reading and spelling abilities improve as they repeatedly search for and recognize complex words. Identifying these terms also promotes critical thinking as students consider why whales thrive in specific environments. Lastly, exposure to these words broadens their scientific vocabulary, supporting future studies in marine ecology.

Word List: Ocean, Abyss, Deepsea, Bay, Coastline, Estuary, Lagoon, Seamount, Gulf, Arctic, Antarctic, Coral reef, Tidal zone, Open water, Current