Time Tracker

This word search introduces students to three-letter words related to time concepts. Words like “Day,” “Sun,” and “Now” represent different points in time, while “Set” and “Eve” relate to daily transitions. Some words, such as “Ago” and “Era,” describe historical or past concepts, while others like “Dim” and “End” mark changes in brightness or completion. This puzzle helps students grasp basic time-related vocabulary.
Completing this word search enhances students’ understanding of time concepts and how they are used in everyday language. It strengthens their spelling and reading skills while improving pattern recognition. Recognizing these words also helps students describe time more accurately in writing and conversations. Additionally, it supports comprehension of time-related discussions in history, science, and scheduling.
Word List: Day, Sun, Era, Ago, Now, Eve, Set, Mid, Dim, Fog, End, Era, Tip, End, Run