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Flutterby Roster

Flutterby Roster Word Search

This word search introduces students to various butterfly species, helping them recognize and memorize different names. It includes common and exotic butterfly names like Monarch, Blue Morpho, and Zebra Longwing. By searching for these species, students get familiar with the diversity within the butterfly world. The activity provides an engaging way to learn about butterflies’ unique names and classification.

This exercise helps improve word association and memory by reinforcing species names. It broadens vocabulary and enhances reading skills as students encounter new and sometimes challenging words. The word search also sparks curiosity about butterflies, encouraging further research into their habitats and characteristics. By engaging in this activity, learners develop pattern recognition and problem-solving skills, which are essential for reading and comprehension.

Word List: Monarch, Swallowtail, Painted Lady, Red Admiral, Blue Morpho, Viceroy, Peacock, Cabbage White, Common Buckeye, Zebra Longwing, Sulphur, Fritillary, Checkerspot, Skipper, Hairstreak.