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Trait Trek

Trait Trek Word Search

This word search introduces students to three-letter words that describe human traits and emotions. Words like “Joy,” “Mad,” and “Fit” represent both positive and negative feelings, helping students expand their emotional vocabulary. Some words, like “Hot” and “Dry,” describe physical sensations, while others, like “Dim” and “Big,” relate to perception and size. This puzzle helps students understand different characteristics that define people.

By engaging with these words, students develop a stronger vocabulary related to emotions and traits. It improves spelling, reading comprehension, and pattern recognition, all essential for literacy development. Understanding these words also helps students express themselves better in writing and speech. Additionally, it fosters discussions about feelings and personal characteristics.

Word List: Joy, Sad, Mad, Fit, Ill, Hot, Dry, Wet, Old, New, Fat, Dim, Big, Slim, Bad