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Prized Materials

Prized Materials Word Search

This word search introduces materials and substances that start with the letter “P.” The terms include metals, minerals, and polymers such as platinum, pewter, and polyester. Students will search for these words to familiarize themselves with different materials used in science and industry. This activity reinforces knowledge of natural and synthetic resources.

Identifying material-related words strengthens students’ vocabulary in science and technology. It encourages curiosity about how different materials are used in everyday life and various industries. The search improves spelling and recognition of scientific terms. Additionally, it enhances focus and critical thinking as students locate the words within the grid.

Word List: Platinum, Pearl, Peridot, Pewter, Plutonium, Palladium, Porcelain, Pottery, Polyester, Polystyrene, Papyrus, Precious, Petrichor, Praseodymium.