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Style Squad

Style Squad Word Search

In this word search, students will find words related to Fortnite character customization. Words like *Skin, Outfit, Emote,* and *Pickaxe* help players recognize customization features in the game. This activity encourages familiarity with in-game cosmetic items and how they enhance the player experience. Completing it will help students understand the creative aspect of Fortnite.

This puzzle enhances students’ familiarity with cosmetic customization terms in Fortnite. Recognizing words like *Backbling* and *Banner* helps develop an understanding of in-game features. The activity also reinforces spelling and reading skills. Completing it will strengthen students’ ability to describe and recognize customization options.

Word List: Skin, Outfit, Emote, Cosmetic, Pickaxe, Backbling, Banner, Wrap, Style, Unlock, Tier, Set, Iconic, Theme, Avatar.