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Work Words

Work Words Word Search

This word search features vocabulary related to Australian jobs and professions. Words like “Tradie,” “Sparky,” and “Brickie” are common Australian terms for different trades. It highlights a variety of occupations, including those unique to Australian culture. This activity helps students become familiar with job-related terms in an engaging way.

This activity strengthens vocabulary and word recognition, particularly in the context of professions. It helps students understand occupational slang and trade-related words. Searching for words in the grid reinforces spelling and pattern recognition skills. Additionally, it encourages discussions about different career paths.

Word List: Tradie, Sparky, Chippy, Brickie, Firie, Ambo, Coppa, Postie, Publican, Ranga, Shearer, Rouseabout, Farmer, Whip, Apprentice