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Banana Farming

Banana Farming Word Search

This word search explores how bananas are cultivated, covering key terms related to farming and harvesting. It includes words such as plantation, orchard, irrigation, and soil, which highlight the agricultural process. Other words like pollination, sprout, fertilizer, and climate emphasize the factors influencing banana growth. By completing this puzzle, students gain a clearer understanding of how bananas are grown before reaching markets.

This activity helps students build agricultural vocabulary, which is useful in both science and geography studies. It enhances word recognition by allowing them to identify farming-related terms in different contexts. Searching for words improves concentration and attention to detail, which strengthens reading skills. Additionally, students develop critical thinking as they connect these words to real-world farming practices.

Words: Plantation, Tropical, Irrigation, Harvest, Fertilizer, Orchard, Soil, Growth, Sprout, Blossom, Pruning, Climate, Yield, Pollination, Cultivar.