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Brewing Basics

Brewing Basics Word Search

This word search introduces different coffee brewing methods, ranging from traditional to modern techniques. Words like Espresso, French Press, and Pour-over represent some of the most common ways to prepare coffee. Other words, such as Siphon, Percolator, and Immersion, refer to more specialized or scientific brewing approaches. The objective is to find and learn these brewing-related terms while reinforcing their meanings.

This word search helps students expand their knowledge of coffee preparation by familiarizing them with key brewing methods. Recognizing these terms enhances reading comprehension, particularly for those interested in coffee culture or barista work. It also encourages cognitive engagement by requiring players to identify patterns and connections between similar words. Overall, this activity strengthens spelling, recognition, and terminology retention.

Words: Espresso, French press, Aeropress, Drip, Cold brew, Moka pot, Pour-over, Chemex, Siphon, Percolator, Immersion, Steeping, Extraction, Bloom, Grind